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Bedman? is an unorthodox fighter whose gameplan is centered around its unique character mechanic, error 6E. A sort of reinterpretation of the Déjà VuGGXRD Bedman DejaVu.pngGuardStartupRecoveryTotal 30Advantage- mechanic it had in its previous iteration, using one of its three main special moves (call 4BAGGST Bedman 236P.pngGuardAllStartup16RecoveryTotal 46Advantage-11, call 4B3GGST Bedman 236S.pngGuardAllStartup14Recovery24Advantage-12, and call 4B9GGST Bedman 236H.pngGuardAll (Guard Crush)Startup24~38Recovery23Advantage+3) will "queue" a followup attack that comes out automatically after 3 seconds. This, along with its 8-way air dash, makes Bedman a tricky character to fight as and against.

Bedman has 3 primary special moves that it shifts between for different screen positions and combines them to create a powerful offense and neutral gameplan, given that it doesn't block or get hit. The powerful follow-ups to Bedman's special moves are removed if this happens, so you must play carefully and evasively or risk losing your strongest tools.

Once an error is queued up, Bedman's offense and neutral are both pushed over the top as it allows for long block strings, mixups, and potent offense from further ranges. call 4BAGGST Bedman 236P.pngGuardAllStartup16RecoveryTotal 46Advantage-11 can help fill gaps between normals to allow automatic specials to play and is great at controlling space in neutral. call 4B3GGST Bedman 236S.pngGuardAllStartup14Recovery24Advantage-12 is a consistent combo ender and OTG tool to set up an explosive error 6E follow-up. call 4B9GGST Bedman 236H.pngGuardAll (Guard Crush)Startup24~38Recovery23Advantage+3 allows for plus frames and the most powerful error 6E special in pressure with a Guard Crush attached to both parts. Enhance Bedman's offense with call 13CGGST Bedman 632146S 2.pngGuardStartup4RecoveryTotal 14Advantage- to turn these already strong follow-ups into devastating ones.

Despite Bedman's powerful offense when set up, that required setup is a major weakness of the character. It takes the use of a special for it to gain access to its most powerful options, meaning that without an error 6E follow-up, Bedman's threat level is significantly lower as it must rely on metered options to continue pressure, go for higher-risk options, or opt to end its offense prematurely in order to stay safe.

Bedman is an unconventional character for players who want to run a game plan of controlling/navigating neutral, waiting for the proper setup, and then smothering the competition.

GGST Bedman Portrait.png
Damage Received Mod
Guts Rating
24/1~6 strike invuln/1~17 airborne
Unique Movement Options
8-Way Air Dash, No Double Jump
Fastest Attack
2PGGST Bedman 2P.pngGuardAllStartup5Recovery10Advantage-2 (5F)
call 4CCGGST Bedman 632146H 2.pngGuardAllStartup9+4Recovery70Advantage-39 (13F)
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Bedman? is an unusual character who switches between cautious space control and unique pressure via automatically activated attacks.
Pick if you like Avoid if you dislike
  • Complex and tricky pressure, with a variety of high/lows and frametraps that are easy to chain together.
  • Improvising combos on the fly to take advantage of error 6E's automatic followups
  • Projectiles and disjoints that can threaten a significant area.
  • A unique movement option that gives you access to mixups and safe disengagement from pressure.
  • Playing characters that have little sidekicks, whose extra animations create visual clutter that can confuse opponents and distract from possible mixups.
  • Generally weak defense, with buttons on the slower side and only a metered reversal.
  • Labbing combos and pressure routes that have to account for automatic follow-up attacks.
  • A "2-step neutral" that requires setups/taking risks in order to reach the character's true offensive potential
  • Occasional inability to convert off your best pokes at long range.
  • Playing characters that are literally furniture, whose large size opens them up to easier punish opportunities.

Unique Mechanic: error 6E

After performing call 4BAGGST Bedman 236P.pngGuardAllStartup16RecoveryTotal 46Advantage-11, call 4B3GGST Bedman 236S.pngGuardAllStartup14Recovery24Advantage-12, or call 4B9GGST Bedman 236H.pngGuardAll (Guard Crush)Startup24~38Recovery23Advantage+3, Bedman enters the "error 6E" state, and will perform an automatic followup attack after a 3-second delay (180 frames). Each of the aforementioned specials produce a different follow-up attack that closely mimics their original properities.

In addition, call 0x$0.20GGST Bedman 214P.pngGuard-Startup-RecoveryTotal 30Advantage- will bypass the delay and instantly perform the attack, while call 0x$1.00GGST Bedman 214K.pngGuard-Startup-RecoveryTotal 24Advantage- will reset the timing to 3 seconds.

The error 6E state is removed after being hit or blocking an attack. If an area transition occurs while Bedman is in the error 6E state, the timer is reset back to 3 seconds.

If an error 6E move has already started coming out, then blocking will not make it disappear, only getting hit will. During call 13CGGST Bedman 632146S 2.pngGuardStartup4RecoveryTotal 14Advantage-, even getting hit will not stop the projectiles once they are out.
8-Way Air Dash

Bedman cannot double jump, and has an 8-way air dash instead of the normal horizontal air dash. This can be performed by holding the dash button with any direction or inputting the same direction in the air twice with the direction held being chosen for movement. If the button is not held Bedman will hover in the air briefly before falling to the ground.

  • This specific air dash can also be performed during a super jump.
  • There is a minimum time requirement of 12 frames in the hover state before Bedman can airdash.

Normal Moves

StartupThe time before an attack is active. Written startup values include the first active frame, so the startup on a frame chart will display one less square than the written value. Frames
ActiveThe active frames of an attack refers to the amount of time an attack can hit the opponent. Frames
InactiveFrames in the middle of multi-hit attacks which cannot hit the opponent, but are after the move has become active at least once. Frames
RecoveryThe recovery of an attack refers to the amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking. Frames
Special RecoveryThe recovery of an attack refers to the amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action.Recovery frames which happen under abnormal conditions, such as after landing. Frames
ProjectileIndicates an entity that exists separately from the character has become active. Usually something like a FireballA projectile which usually travels slowly across the screen in a horizontal path above the ground.. Active
CancelA window in which to cancel a move. Can be varied in usage. Window


Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
27 All 6 4 8 -2
Total: 17


Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
32 All 8 7 14 -7
Total: 28

Abnormal 5K as it's disjointed and the hitbox is slightly off compared to the animation, only covering the top of Bedman's spikes. Its many active frames and disjoint make it a solid counter poke in neutral and on defense, as well as a passable option at the start of a round. It's also used as a combo filler to route into call 4B9GGST Bedman 236H.pngGuardAll (Guard Crush)Startup24~38Recovery23Advantage+3 for optimal knockdowns.

  • 5K's animation is somewhat misleading as it relates to the hitbox. The move only hits at the top of the spikes, making it susceptible to being beaten by low-hitting pokes and even some low profileWhen a character's hurtbox is entirely beneath an opponent's attack. This can be caused by crouching, certain moves, and being short. moves like Sol Badguy's Night Raid VortexGGST Sol 214S 1 Hitbox.pngGuardAllStartup15~31 [32]Recovery32 [26]Advantage-17.

Gatling Options: 6P, 6H, 5D, 2D


Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
43 All 7 6 10 +1
Total: 22


Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
35 All 11 6 17 -9
Total: 33


Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
51 All 13 4 22 -7
Total: 38

A move used to safely end blockstrings when Bedman has no error stocked to help it extend its pressure sequence. In the corner it works as a low risk, high reward button in pressure, due to the wall-bounce allowing loops into and out of call 4B9GGST Bedman 236H.pngGuardAll (Guard Crush)Startup24~38Recovery23Advantage+3.

  • Bounces the opponent on regular grounded hit but gives zero reward midscreen.
  • Hard Knockdown on Counter Hit.
  • Wall bounces the opponent on hit in the corner.
  • 5H > 214K will reduce recovery by 1f.


Version Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
Uncharged 50 High 20 3 26 -15
Charged 62 High 28 3 26 -10
Total: 48
Total: 56
Uncharged Dust

Universal overhead attack that's pretty fast. It can gatling from 5KGGST Bedman 5K.pngGuardAllStartup8Recovery14Advantage-7, 2KGGST Bedman 2K.pngGuardLowStartup6Recovery10Advantage-2, or c.SGGST Bedman cS.pngGuardAllStartup7Recovery10Advantage+1 for an unsafe mix-up that can be made safe on block or converted into a full combo on hit by using Roman Cancel or error 6E follow ups if timed well.

Charged Dust
  • Holding any upwards direction during the hitstop of Charged Dust will perform a Homing Jump:
    • Performing a Homing Jump puts the opponent into a unique high damaging air combo state and will cause an Area Shift afterwards, resetting character positions to neutral at slightly farther than round start distance.
    • Pressing any attack twice in a row without jump/dash canceling will perform a unique Finishing Blow attack, causing a hard knockdown and leaving Bedman at +23 instead of neutral (+-0).

Similar to uncharged Dust but is slow enough for opponents to reliably react to. On raw hit, it results in a very high damage Homing Jump combo. Charged Dust is primarily used for juggling during combos to add damage after a Red Roman Cancel launch or Counter Hit c.S, but can also be used for simple punishes on extremely unsafe moves.

Version ProrationA percentage-based damage modifier applied to certain attacks independently of other forms of damage scaling. Level
LevelHitstopStand HitstunCrouch HitstunGround Block
CH Type
TypeHitstopSlowdownAdded Frame Advantage
Very SmallBase Value NoneNone
SmallBase Value 11F+6
On-HitThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in hitstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Throws list the amount of Frame Advantage upon successfully throwing the opponent. R.I.S.C. GainHow much R.I.S.C. this move builds when normal or instant blocked. R.I.S.C. LossHow much R.I.S.C. this move removes on hit. Wall DamageHow much Wall Damage is applied when the move connects on hit. OTG RatioThe proportion of damage dealt when hitting Off The Ground (OTG). Chip RatioThe proportion of damage dealt on normal block.
(Usually only applicable to Special moves)
Input Tension
Uncharged 80% 2 Mid 0 1125 3000 [1000] 700 (900) 60%
Charged 100% 4 Very Small KD +36 1875 1500 [1000] 0 (200) 60%


  • Hitstop on block: 20F
  • Hitstop on ground hit: 16F
  • Floating crumple on ground hit: Total 28F (airborne hitstun 1~11F, standing hitstun 12~18F, can block 19~28F)
  • R.I.S.C. Loss in [ ] refers to when 5D is not the initial hit of a combo.
  • Wall Damage in ( ) refers to if opponent is touching the wall.
  • Has no additional Combo Decay on initial hit, unlike other overheads (usually adding +5 on initial hit for 10 total).
  • Telegraphing orange glow appears on frame 4, and reaches full brightness on frame 5.


  • Hitstop on block: 20F
  • Hitstop on raw hit: 45F
  • Properties for opponent on block follow Level 4 rules.
  • R.I.S.C. Loss in [ ] refers to when 5[D] is not the initial hit of a combo.
  • Wall Damage in ( ) refers to if opponent is touching the wall.
  • Wall Damage when hit raw is increased to 700 (900).
  • Applies 5 less Combo Decay on initial hit, for 0 Combo Decay if the first hit of a combo.
  • Telegraphing orange glow appears on frame 4, and reaches full brightness on frame 5.


Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
23 All 5 4 10 -2
Total: 18

Bedman's fastest abareAn attack during the opponent's pressure, intended to interrupt it. at 5 frames. The range is fairly average with it being hard to combo into 6P at the tip.

  • Similarly to 5P, can combo into 2K on Counter Hit.
  • Combos into 236SGGST Bedman 236S.pngGuardAllStartup14Recovery24Advantage-12 on any hit, allowing Bedman to easily start its offense from an easy, hit-confirmable abare tool.

Gatling Options: 5P, 2P, 6P, 6H


Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
27 Low 6 4 10 -2
Total: 19


Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
33 Low 12 3 22 -11
Total: 36


Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
8x5 Low 16 10 30 -15
Total: 55

An advancing, multi-hitting low attack. Very easy to hit confirm, but risky on block without error 6E. It has no safe meterless cancel options, with your best gapless option 236PGGST Bedman 236P.pngGuardAllStartup16RecoveryTotal 46Advantage-11 still being punishable on block.

Because of how many hits this move has and how long it takes to complete, it can be good for keeping the opponent blocking/in a combo long enough for an error 6E to activate. Just be sure to change the cancel timing when expecting a reversal or abare attempt.

  • The last hit launches the opponent. This can combo into 236SGGST Bedman 236S.pngGuardAllStartup14Recovery24Advantage-12 on any hit and 236HGGST Bedman 236H.pngGuardAll (Guard Crush)Startup24~38Recovery23Advantage+3 on a high air hit.
  • There is a 3f gap between an instant 2S > 2H cancel, allowing the opponent to jump out of this string if done from further range.


Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
38 Low 12 6 21 -10
Total: 38

Bedman's best grounded poke.

2D has the same range as 2S and f.S, but because those two aforementioned buttons never combo into 2H at further ranges, 2D can be used as a solid, long reaching poke that always gives reward on hit. It either can give them hard knockdown or a confirm into 236SGGST Bedman 236S.pngGuardAllStartup14Recovery24Advantage-12 at all ranges.

Unlike 2S and f.S, Bedman does not have access to gatlings from this move, so it's always a commitment when used in pressure.

  • 2D > 214K is -8 on block, saving 2 frames of recovery.
  • 2D is the only Bedman's move allowing a fully charged 236[H]GGST Bedman 236H.pngGuardAll (Guard Crush)Startup24~38Recovery23Advantage+3 to meaty the opponent.


Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
37 All 11 6 24 -16 1-2 Upper Body
3-16 Above Knees
Total: 40

An enormous universal anti-air button with generous upper-body invul that covers a large area in front and above Bedman, and the late active frames have a very generous anti cross-up hitbox. Has longer than average recovery for a 6P as compensation for its large hitbox.

  • Upper body invulnerability makes this an effective anti-air, with less risk than 5P but slower startup.
  • While effective and often necessary, it can be risky to use this move as a counterpoke due to its long recovery and Bedman's lack of fast, safe special cancels.
  • Grants soft knockdown on normal hit and hard knockdown on counter hit
  • Can usually combo into 236SGGST Bedman 236S.pngGuardAllStartup14Recovery24Advantage-12 on any hit, as well as 236HGGST Bedman 236H.pngGuardAll (Guard Crush)Startup24~38Recovery23Advantage+3 on counter hit, but both specials can potentially miss if this move hits an extended hurtbox.


Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
63 High 25 6 30 -16
Total: 60

Slow, high damage overhead that is special cancelable.

Its slow speed makes it fairly reactable but can be a powerful tool when mixed up with PRC and Error 6E during pressure. Unfortunately, there is no disjoint, which means the opponent can sometimes trade or outright beat this move.

6H also sees use as a combo tool from c.S and 5K air hit, as well as from counterhit c.S.

  • Ground bounces the opponent on hit.
  • 6H > 214K is -6 on block, saving 10 frames of recovery.


Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
24 High 6 4 9
Total: 18


Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
31 High 8 4 21
Total: 32

A fast, low hitting air button. Useful as a air-to-air and during f-shikiSometimes known as "Fuzzy Overhead". When you are in blockstun, you can switch high/low blocking, but your blocking animation and hurtbox does not change until you leave blockstun or block another attack. F-Shikis take advantage of this and use overheads that would miss on crouching characters, but not on standing characters. setups.

j.K is also a reliable safejump option in the corner.

Gatling Options: j.D


Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
34 High 10 4 22
Total: 35


Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
9x6 High 15 2x6 Until Landing+3 +10 (IAD)
Total: 29

A slow but extremely active multi-hitting jump-in attack that can hit deep, beating 6Ps, commonly used after a hover dash.

Each hit must be blocked high, making this move a fantastic mixup tool as Bedman can vary the number of hits depending on its height and downward velocity, though it can sometimes be difficult to combo into grounded buttons if hit to high up, in those cases, comboing straight into j.236S leaves bedman in a good spot.

  • Every hit of this move can be airdash canceled or cancelled into j.D, allowing Bedman to further complicate its aerial mixup game or to safely hover dash away back to neutral/zoning.
  • As a multi-hit move, this can be helpful in stalling for errors to activate in pressure.

Gatling Options: j.D


Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
49 High 19 Until Landing 21 after Landing -11
Total: 28
(NoteThe red line indicates that the move is active but has a variable active window)

Bedman slams directly down to the ground. Generally a pretty situational move, all things considered.

j.D stalls Bedman in the air, so it can be used as an option to bait anti-airs. Can sometimes lead into combos with moves like 236SGGST Bedman 236S.pngGuardAllStartup14Recovery24Advantage-12 or 214PGGST Bedman 214P.pngGuard-Startup-RecoveryTotal 30Advantage- if the right error is stocked, but beyond that the main use of j.D is doing tricky movement hijinx with Bedman's 8-way air dash.

  • Dash cancellable on hit
  • Strangely, can be jump cancelled on landing after hitting an opponent.
  • Ground bounces airborne opponents.

Universal Mechanics

Ground Throw

6D or 4D

Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
80 Ground Throw 2 3
Total: 42

Bedman gets some decent reward from a throw as it can go into an OTG 236SGGST Bedman 236S.pngGuardAllStartup14Recovery24Advantage-12 after a throw for additional damage and corner carry as well as an error 6E stock while still maintaining frame advantage. Additionally, Bedman can meterlessly combo from its throw if it precisely times an error 6E follow-up, though this is pretty uncommon except if used quickly after 236HGGST Bedman 236H.pngGuardAll (Guard Crush)Startup24~38Recovery23Advantage+3. This technique is commonly referred to as "Bedbuster".

  • Can throw the opponent either forward or backward.
  • Hard Knockdown on hit.
  • Counter Hit state during recovery.
ProrationA percentage-based damage modifier applied to certain attacks independently of other forms of damage scaling. Level
LevelHitstopStand HitstunCrouch HitstunGround Block
CH Type
TypeHitstopSlowdownAdded Frame Advantage
Very SmallBase Value NoneNone
SmallBase Value 11F+6
On-HitThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in hitstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Throws list the amount of Frame Advantage upon successfully throwing the opponent. R.I.S.C. GainHow much R.I.S.C. this move builds when normal or instant blocked. R.I.S.C. LossHow much R.I.S.C. this move removes on hit. Wall DamageHow much Wall Damage is applied when the move connects on hit. OTG RatioThe proportion of damage dealt when hitting Off The Ground (OTG). Chip RatioThe proportion of damage dealt on normal block.
(Usually only applicable to Special moves)
Input Tension
50% HKD +57 2500 1000
  • Opponent cannot use Blue Psych Burst on hit or the resulting knockdown.
  • Builds 1000 Tension once all damage is dealt.
  • On hit, applies an increased 25 Combo Decay.
  • Properties change if Roman Canceled before all damage is dealt:
    • Reduces positive R.I.S.C. by 25% before applying R.I.S.C. Loss, similar to regular strikes.
    • R.I.S.C. Loss: 1000
    • Proration: Forced 75%
    • Combo Decay on hit: 15
  • First does 6 hits of 2 Damage, then 8 hits of 1 damage, then a final hit of 60 damage.

Air Throw

j.6D or j.4D

Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
80 Air Throw 2 3 38 or Until Landing+10
Total: 42
Total: 14

A standard air throw. Useful as an anti-air against opponents attacking from angles his 6P doesn't cover.

Bedman can follow up with OTG 236S in the corner, dealing extra damage and storing an error. Additionally, with very specific timing, it's possible to meterlessly combo from a throw with an automatic error 6E activation.

  • Can throw the opponent either forward or backwards.
  • Hard Knockdown on hit.
  • Counter Hit state during recovery until landing.
ProrationA percentage-based damage modifier applied to certain attacks independently of other forms of damage scaling. Level
LevelHitstopStand HitstunCrouch HitstunGround Block
CH Type
TypeHitstopSlowdownAdded Frame Advantage
Very SmallBase Value NoneNone
SmallBase Value 11F+6
On-HitThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in hitstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Throws list the amount of Frame Advantage upon successfully throwing the opponent. R.I.S.C. GainHow much R.I.S.C. this move builds when normal or instant blocked. R.I.S.C. LossHow much R.I.S.C. this move removes on hit. Wall DamageHow much Wall Damage is applied when the move connects on hit. OTG RatioThe proportion of damage dealt when hitting Off The Ground (OTG). Chip RatioThe proportion of damage dealt on normal block.
(Usually only applicable to Special moves)
Input Tension
50% HKD +56 (IAD) 2500 1000
  • Air Throws have both normal recovery (which recovers CH) and special recovery frames upon landing (not CH). It is technically possible to recover mid-air from a whiffed Air Throw, but it usually doesn't happen unless done from very high in the air.
  • Opponent cannot use Blue Psych Burst on hit or the resulting knockdown.
  • On-Hit value is for attacker's IAD height, except for Potemkin and Nagoriyuki, who have their IAS height instead.
  • Frame advantage decreases as height increases (+53 to +56).
  • Builds 1000 Tension once all damage is dealt.
  • On hit, applies an increased 25 Combo Decay.
  • Properties change if Roman Canceled before all damage is dealt:
    • Reduces positive R.I.S.C. by 25% before applying R.I.S.C. Loss, similar to regular strikes.
    • R.I.S.C. Loss: 1000
    • Proration: Forced 75%
    • Combo Decay on hit: 15
  • first does 3 hits of 2 damage, then 14 hits of 1 damage, then a final hit of 60 damage.

Wild Assault

236D with 50% Burst (Hold OK)

Version Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
236D 30 All 20 3 20 +7 9-22f strike/projectile
236[D] 50 All 32 3 30 +12 9-34f strike/projectile
Wild Assault (NoteSquares with a yellow underline indicate the range of additional frames when partially charged.)
Total: 54
Fully Charged Wild Assault
Total: 64

White Wild Assault: Strike and Projectile invulnerability during startup, but cannot be canceled. Causes Guard Crush on block. See here for more info on Wild Assault types.

An invulnerable on frame 9, plus on block advancing strike with a very large horizontal hitbox at the cost of 50% Burst. If fully charged, go straight to your win condition by doing c.S > 236HS at close range or 5K > 236HS at longer ranges on hit, or go for strike throw on block. However, getting hit before the invul starts takes away 50% burst and gets you counter hit. It can also miss against jumping opponents leaving you in a bad spot due to its recovery.

It can also be used in block strings to further stall for automatic error followups, usually doing it after 2H while error 6E H needs a little more time to come out.

  • Uncharged version catches jumps after blocked 2H.
  • Causes guard crush on block.
  • Drains 12.5% of the opponent's Burst Gauge on hit or block. Drains 25% when charged.
  • Applies Hard Knockdown when launching or when used to Wall Break.

Special Moves

call 4BA

236P (Air OK)

Version Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
236P 32 All 16 Total 46 -11
j.236P 32 All 16
call 4BA (NoteThe square with a yellow underline indicates the first frame that you can Roman Cancel and maintain the projectile.)
Total: 48

Commonly known as "Spike" or "Needle".

Bedman fires a projectile with minor tracking properties from its right hand.

A decent tool for fighting at fullscreen, as well as keeping out some characters. Although risky, it sometimes used after 2H on block to reduce the fear of being punished.

  • Bedman is in counterhit state for the full duration of the move
  • Ground version can track the opponent if they are within a range of ~45° above Bedman's arm level.
  • Ground version can be low-profiled by moves like I-No's Stroke the Big TreeGGST I-No Stroke the Big Tree.pngGuardLowStartup16Recovery15Advantage-7 and Sol's Night Raid VortexGGST Sol Badguy 214S 1.pngGuardAllStartup15~31 [32]Recovery32 [26]Advantage-17, so be careful to avoid using it predictably
  • Aerial version can track the opponent if they are within a range of ~45° beneath Bedman's arm level.
  • Bedman is unable to do anything after performing the air version until it lands
Version ProrationA percentage-based damage modifier applied to certain attacks independently of other forms of damage scaling. Level
LevelHitstopStand HitstunCrouch HitstunGround Block
CH Type
TypeHitstopSlowdownAdded Frame Advantage
Very SmallBase Value NoneNone
SmallBase Value 11F+6
On-HitThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in hitstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Throws list the amount of Frame Advantage upon successfully throwing the opponent. R.I.S.C. GainHow much R.I.S.C. this move builds when normal or instant blocked. R.I.S.C. LossHow much R.I.S.C. this move removes on hit. Wall DamageHow much Wall Damage is applied when the move connects on hit. OTG RatioThe proportion of damage dealt when hitting Off The Ground (OTG). Chip RatioThe proportion of damage dealt on normal block.
(Usually only applicable to Special moves)
Input Tension
236P 4 Very Small -8 500 1000 300 12% 100
j.236P 4 Very Small 500 1000 300 12% 100


  • Activates a 150 frame Error 6E timer on frame 16 (first active frame).
  • Hitstop:0F
  • Standing Hitstun:22F
  • Crouching Hitstun:23F
  • Ground Block:19F
  • Projectile will continue if Purple Roman Canceled on frame 17 at the earliest.
  • Clash Level: -
  • Clash Hits: -


  • Activates a 150 frame Error 6E timer on frame 16 (first active frame).
  • Hitstop:0F
  • Standing Hitstun:22F
  • Crouching Hitstun:23F
  • Ground Block:19F
  • Projectile will continue if Purple Roman Canceled on frame 17 at the earliest.
  • Clash Level: -
  • Clash Hits: -
  • Moves backwards during initial movement on frames 20 up to 29 (max height)
  • Decreases Tension Balance during the initial movement, for a total of -3734 Tension Balance.
  • Increases Negative value during the initial movement, for a total 200~1690 Negative value (amount varies and increases with distance to the opponent).

error 6E P

Automatically after 236P or 214P after 236P

Version Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
!P 32 All 8 [14] Total 0 [Total 30] +20 [+3]
13C !P 70 All (Guard Crush) 8 [14] Total 0 [Total 30] +47 [+30]
Total: 8
call 0x$0.20
Total: 30

Commonly known as "Spark".

Bedman's head discharges a bolt of electricity that slightly tracks the opponent.

Useful as a zoning tool alongside 236PGGST Bedman 236P.pngGuardAllStartup16RecoveryTotal 46Advantage-11. When triggered as an automatic attack, it can serve as potent frametrap and blockstring/combo extender, kind of like a significantly worse version of Happy Chaos' FireGGST Happy Chaos H.pngGuardAllStartup1RecoveryAdvantage+23.

When manually done via 214PGGST Bedman 214P.pngGuard-Startup-RecoveryTotal 30Advantage- Bedman recovers very quickly and, when done in the air, can often perform another 236PGGST Bedman 236P.pngGuardAllStartup16RecoveryTotal 46Advantage-11 after.

  • Tracks the opponent if they are within a range of 45° above Bedman to 45° below Bedman, regardless if used in the air or not

call 13C

The bolt becomes enhanced with some kind of sinister magic, making it significantly stronger.

  • Deals more damage than the regular version and causes the opponent to fly into the air on hit.
  • 360° Tracking range, albeit with the same angle snapping as default.
  • Guard Crushes on block.
  • Causes an Area Shift if the opponent is near the wall
  • Hard Knockdown on hit or on Area Shift.

call 4B3

236S (Air OK)

Version Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
236S 9x5 All 14 18 24 -12
j.236S 9x5 All 14 18 24 -13 (IAS)
call 4B3
Total: 55

Commonly known as "Spin" or "Beyblade".

Generally your preferred combo ender in cases where it's impossible to land 236HGGST Bedman 236H.pngGuardAll (Guard Crush)Startup24~38Recovery23Advantage+3 (a.k.a. most cases), in air-to-air situations where you're too high up to continue the combo on landing, and when mashing 2P on defense. While not a hard knockdown, the resulting knockdown is advantageous enough to let Bedman continue pressuring the opponent with the move's impending error 6E followup.

  • Bedman cannot do anything after the air version until it hits the ground.
  • Serves as a passable neutral skip/approach tool with Roman Cancel, but otherwise the enormous recovery makes it a death sentence on block or whiff. However, the grounded version is plus after hitting an air block.
  • Can be used after a grab due to it hitting off the ground, which adds some damage and stocks an error while still leaving Bedman at advantage.

error 6E S

Automatically after 236S or 214P after 236S

Version Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
!S 9x5 All 15 [21] 3x5 Total 0 [Total 30] +36 [+26]
13C !S 10x9 All 15 [21] 4x9 Total 0 [Total 30] +62 [+52]
Total: 15
call 0x$0.20
Total: 30

Commonly known as "Chain explosion".

A forward advancing, multi-hitting series of explosions.

A useful error that sees use in combos and pressure due to its fantastic corner carry and frame advantage.

  • Useful for denying space and keeping the opponent locked down after ending a combo.
  • Expires a few character distances away.
  • Can keep opponents in the air long enough to fully charge 236HGGST Bedman 236H.pngGuardAll (Guard Crush)Startup24~38Recovery23Advantage+3 mid-combo

call 13C

The explosions become enhanced by some kind of sinister magic, making them significantly stronger.

  • Does more damage and has more hits than the regular version.
  • Travels fullscreen and has larger hitboxes.
  • Causes a Hard Knockdown on hit and will cause an Area Shift if the opponent is near the wall.
  • Gives a Hard Knockdown after Area Shift

call 4B9 (Malfunction)

236H (Hold OK)

Version Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
236H 55 All (Guard Crush) 24~38 9 23 +3
236{H} 70 All (Guard Crush) 39~66 9 23 +11
236[H] 100 All (Guard Crush) 67~75 9 23 +19
Uncharged call 4B9
Total: 55
Fully Charged call 4B9
Total: 98

A slow, chargeable, short-ranged swing with Bedman's broken arm that causes an explosion. Probably the most versatile of Bedman's main three special moves.

This move mainly sees use as a pressure tool and blockstring ender as it inflicts Guard Crush on block, putting Bedman at significant frame advantage and dealing a nice bit of chip damage. This gives Bedman very powerful pressure in the corner, and allows it to perform up long block sequences that can quickly drain an opponent's health through chip, siphon their meter should they FD, and crank their RISC to high heaven, provided you're willing to dump some resources.

Malfunction's uses are not just limited to on-block situations, either, as it is also a powerful combo tool. Its generous vertical launch and high damage give Bedman access to some of its strongest combos in the corner, and it makes for a great combo ender due to its knockdown. It can even be used as a Wall Break ender due to its single-hit damage, espcially when charged.

Speaking of which, holding the H input will "charge" the move, delaying the explosion while greatly enhancing its damage, launch height, and blockstun. At full charge, Malfunction nearly does as much damage as a super, and leaves Bedman at a whopping +19 on block. While setting this up is very difficult, the payoff tends to speak for itself.

A fully charged 4B9 (Malfunction) can happen before the 75f max charge time, with correct timing, it can be fully charged at a minimum of 67 frames.

Note that its slow startup and extended hurtbox can make it vulnerable to counter-pokes in neutral.

  • Launches on hit, allowing for a combo if close enough, also causes a Hard Knockdown on landing.
  • Can be charged, which enhances the properties on hit and on block.

error 6E H

Automatically after 236H or 214P after 236H

Version Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
!H 55 All (Guard Crush) 34 [40] 9 Total 0 [Total 30] +49
!{H} 70 All (Guard Crush) 34 [40] 9 Total 0 [Total 30] +57
![H] 100 All (Guard Crush) 34 [40] 9 Total 0 [Total 30] +65
13C !H 121 All (Guard Crush) 34 [40] 9 Total 0 [Total 30] +64
Total: 34
call 0x$0.20
Total: 40

Commonly known as "Bomb".

Bedman's head pops off and explodes shortly after.

Like Malfunction, this Guard Crushes on block and launches on hit, albeit without that move's poor frame data. This gives Bedman access to some of its strongest mixups, blockstrings, and combos, especially when paired with Roman Cancels.

  • The properties of this move are determined by the charge level of the initial move (higher damage, blockstun, etc.)
  • The projectile will dissipate if Bedman takes damage before it explodes.
  • The projectile comes directly from Bedman?'s head, shifting its trajectory slightly based on what animation is playing on activation.

call 13C

Bedman's head bomb becomes enhanced with some form of sinister magic, powering it up significantly.

  • Has larger area of effect, deals more damage, and gives better advantage on block.
  • Causes Hard Knockdown on hit and will cause an Area Shift if the opponent is near the wall.
  • Gives a Hard Knockdown after Area Shift
  • Damage and Guard Crush duration are not affected by the charge level of the initial move
Version ProrationA percentage-based damage modifier applied to certain attacks independently of other forms of damage scaling. Level
LevelHitstopStand HitstunCrouch HitstunGround Block
CH Type
TypeHitstopSlowdownAdded Frame Advantage
Very SmallBase Value NoneNone
SmallBase Value 11F+6
On-HitThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in hitstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Throws list the amount of Frame Advantage upon successfully throwing the opponent. R.I.S.C. GainHow much R.I.S.C. this move builds when normal or instant blocked. R.I.S.C. LossHow much R.I.S.C. this move removes on hit. Wall DamageHow much Wall Damage is applied when the move connects on hit. OTG RatioThe proportion of damage dealt when hitting Off The Ground (OTG). Chip RatioThe proportion of damage dealt on normal block.
(Usually only applicable to Special moves)
Input Tension
!H 4 Very Small HKD +107 500 2000 700 25%
!{H} 4 Very Small HKD +112 500 2000 700 25%
![H] 4 Very Small HKD +116 500 2000 700 25%
13C !H 100% 4 Very Small HKD +116 500 1000 0 25%


  • Automatically activates 180 frames after call 4B9 (Malfunction).
  • Projectile spawns on frame 7.
  • Guard Crush duration: 34f


  • Automatically activates 180 frames after call 4B9 (Malfunction).
  • Projectile spawns on frame 7.
  • Guard Crush duration: 42f


  • Automatically activates 180 frames after call 4B9 (Malfunction).
  • Projectile spawns on frame 7.
  • Guard Crush duration: 50f

13C !H:

  • Automatically activates 180 frames after call 4B9 (Malfunction).
  • Projectile spawns on frame 7.
  • Guard Crush duration: 49f on any charge (1f less than regular Full Charge).

call 0x$0.20

214P (Air OK)

Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
- - - - Total 30
call 0x$0.20
Total: 30

Makes any stocked error 6E follow-up occur immediately.

An invaluable tool that is at the core of Bedman's gameplay. Whether you're zoning with 236PGGST Bedman 236P.pngGuardAllStartup16RecoveryTotal 46Advantage-11, doing combos, mixing your opponent, or applying pressure, this move will likely see some use, as it gives you access to Bedman's best moves immediately. Keep in mind its fairly long animation, which can make you prone to punishes if it's used too predictably.

  • Will briefly halt all momentum when used. This can be used to stall in the air for a short time.
  • Is counter hit punishable for the entire duration of the move

call 0x$1.00

214K (Air OK)

Version Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
214K - - - - Total 24
Total: 24
(NoteThe square with a yellow underline indicates the first frame that you can Roman Cancel and still reset the timer on error 6E.)

Resets the timer on Bedman's currently stocked error 6E attack to 3 seconds.

A situational option that lets Bedman vary the timing of its error pressure. Because of how easy it can be to lose a stocked error, and because using another special move will change/reset the error, holding onto one for longer is rarely that useful. As a result, this move is mostly used to stall in the air and reduce the recovery of slower normals.

  • Will briefly halt all momentum when used, allowing Bedman to briefly stall in the air.
  • Has a shorter animation than 214PGGST Bedman 214P.pngGuard-Startup-RecoveryTotal 30Advantage-, so it can be used to reduce the long recovery of certain moves, such as 2H, 2D, and 6H. The full cancel data is available here.
  • Bedman is in counter-hit state for the entire duration of the move


call 13C

632146S (Air OK)

Version Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
632146S 4 300 Total 14
Total: 14
(NoteThe square with a yellow underline indicates the first frame that you can Roman Cancel and maintain the buff from call 13C)

An InstallA move, usually a super, which changes the properties of the character themself, usually for the better. super in which Bedman becomes supercharged with some sort of sinister energy and gains various power-ups for a limited time.

During call 13C, Bedman gets a 10% damage buff to all of its moves and a 10% defense buff from damage. More importantly, all error 6E follow-ups gain enhanced properties on both hit and block, trigger a Wall Break if the opponent is near the Wall, grant a Hard Knockdown on Area Shift, and are unburstable, similar to Overdrives. Finally, Bedman's 6E projectiles no longer disappear when Bedman is hit.

With these super-powered errors, all aspects of Bedman's gameplay become significantly more threatening. 236PGGST Bedman 236P.pngGuardAllStartup16RecoveryTotal 46Advantage-11's followup can easily dominate neutral with its speed and Guard Crush properties, 236SGGST Bedman 236S.pngGuardAllStartup14Recovery24Advantage-12's gives fantastic damage and corner carry, and 236HGGST Bedman 236H.pngGuardAll (Guard Crush)Startup24~38Recovery23Advantage+3's bombs make for some truly suffocating pressure due to their massive explosions and generous frame advantage. When used properly, this super can change the flow of the game on a dime or further cement a victory.

The low total duration of call 13C's install animation leaves Bedman fairly advantageous on block after 5H and 6H, which allows for its activation during pressure sequences. It can also be used in combos as a pseudo-Roman Cancel, which allows links such as 5H > call 13C > c.S in the corner for great damage.

The biggest drawback of call 13C is its very punishing Tension Penalty duration, which locks Bedman out of gaining Tension for almost 8 seconds (460F). However, this drawback can be mitigated by triggering a Wall Break and getting Positive BonusA special state in Strive that automatically generates tension, reduces meter penalty, as well as other buffs when a player breaks the wall. shortly after activating call 13C, preferably with one of the Error 6E follow-ups, for both knockdown pressure and meter gain.

  • Buff lasts for 5 seconds (300 frames).
  • Install's short total duration means it can be used to reduce the recovery of moves with long durations, even making certain moves slightly plus on block. The full cancel data is available here.

call 4CC


Damage GuardHow this attack can be blocked. StartupThe number of frames between inputting an attack and when the attack becomes active. Includes first active frame. ActiveThe number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Occurs after Startup. RecoveryThe number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. On-BlockThe difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Invuln
133 All 9+4 3 70 -39 1~13F Full
Total: 85

Bedman draws a ball of dark energy out of its eye that turns into a short-range explosion.

Bedman's only invincible reversalTo perform an attack as soon as possible after getting knocked down or leaving hitstun/blockstun. and a go-to combo ender for when the opponent has been wall-splatted. As a reversal, call 4CC is on the slower side, making it vulnerable to safe jumps and even some grounded attacks that can recover in time to block. Although not as effective as Faust's overdrive, it can be Roman Canceled before the super flash to beat meaties and throws.

  • Fully invincible on start-up.
  • Causes a Wall Break in the corner, which gives a Hard Knockdown after Area Shift.
  • Is technically a projectile so it cannot be Red Roman Canceled (only Purple Roman Cancel) nor countered by moves like Baiken's HiiragiGGST Baiken 236P 2.pngGuard-Startup1Recovery32Advantage-. It will also clash with other projectiles.


GGST Bedman color 1.png
GGST Bedman color 2.png
GGST Bedman color 3.png
GGST Bedman color 4.png
GGST Bedman color 5.png
GGST Bedman color 6.png
Color 1
Color 2
Color 3
Color 4
Color 5
Color 6
GGST Bedman color 7.png
GGST Bedman color 8.png
GGST Bedman color 9.png
GGST Bedman color 10.png
GGST Bedman color 11.png
GGST Bedman color 12.png
Color 7 Bedman's color scheme from Xrd
Color 8
Color 9
Color 10
Color 11
Color 12
GGST Bedman color 13.png
GGST Bedman color 14.png
GGST Bedman color 15.png
Color 13
Color 14
Color 15
Colors 7-15 are available through DLCColor 13 is included in the 25th Anniversary Appreciation Color free DLC
Colors 14 and 15 are included in the 25th Anniversary Color DLC
Colors 7-11 are included in Season Pass 2
Color 12 is included in Additional Color Pack #2


To edit frame data, edit values in GGST/Bedman/Data.
Systems Pages