Archive / Tier Lists / Guilty Gear / Music / Xrd

About Xrd Music Tier Lists
Version 3 (Mar 29, 2024)
Version 2 (Feb 24, 2024)
Version 1 (Sep 17, 2024)

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About Xrd Music Tier Lists

Xrd has some really good music. That is all there really is to say. It is cool to see the first (substantial) appearance of vocal themes!

Version 3 (Mar 29, 2024)
A refined version of Version 2. Nothing to say about it, really. It just is a better version that is more accurate. Nothing more.
Version 2 (Feb 24, 2024)
A major improvement, though surprisingly a bit closer than I expected to Version 1. The list is taken from my Strive / Xrd list but with the Strive songs removed. A lot of songs were fixed in their placements, as this time I actually game them a chance and listened to them many times so they would get a fair shot. I also added quite a few of the songs I missed in the first list.

- Added All I Can Do
- Added Coming Home
- Added Dice
- Added High Voltage
- Added Six Black Heavens Guns
- Added Storyteller
Version 1 (Sep 17, 2023)
One of the worst tier lists I have ever made. The top is... fine. Some songs are a bit higher than they should be, but its fine overall. The lower part though... I only listened to some of them once or twice before ranking them. Some choices are baffling. Flash hider is in the bottom half, but is one of my favorite tracks. Just Do It should be at least a mid-tier. Magnolia Eclair is way too low. Reunion is way to high. Just poorly made overall.