Archive / Tier Lists / Guilty Gear / Music / Strive + Xrd

About Strive + Xrd Music Tier Lists
Version 2 (Mar 29, 2024)
Version 1 (Feb 24, 2024)

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About Strive + Xrd Music Tier Lists

A combination of my two favorite games, Strive and Xrd.

Version 2 (Mar 29, 2024)
My ultimate music tier list, at least until the full series list is done. Using the base made from Version 8, every song was re-added in that order to a new blank list. Each one would then be compared to the one above it, and if it was better, it would keep moving up until it was worse than the one above it. And this time, each one was listened to. For every matchup. Though the fact that songs were generally in a correct enough place made it much faster to make than Version 8. It took a long time, but I am happy with the result. (Though Symphony snuck in at the last second since I took too long. Meaning it might be too high or too low. Oops.)

- Added Symphony
Version 1 (Feb 24, 2024)
This is a work-in-progress version of Version 2 that was started back in December of 2023, using a different method with that I consider worse (the same one as all of the previous lists). I always planned to make two passes, first using this method then switching to the second one. The method is basically just going through every song alphabetically, guessing around where I would put it, then trying to figure out where it stands with those around it. The reason I think it is worse is that I usually didn't take as much time per matchup of song, usually just trying to remember what I thought about the song rather than re-listening to it. Recency bias was also a problem, as I rarely moved songs down from where I guessed they would be, only up. But it is still good overall. Just a bit un-refined.