Archive / Tier Lists / Guilty Gear / Music / Strive

About Strive Music Tier Lists
Version 9 (Mar 29, 2024)
Version 8 (Feb 24, 2024)
Version 7 (Aug 23, 2023)
Version 6 (Jul 20, 2023)
Version 5 (Jul 03, 2023)
Version 4 (Jun 18, 2023)
Version 3 (Jun 11, 2023)
Version 2 (Jun 11, 2023)
Version 1 (Jun 10, 2023)

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About Strive Music Tier Lists

Strive's approach to character themes is really cool, and the vocals make the themes more interesting to analyze and in many cases, more emotional.

Version 9 (Mar 29, 2023)
My most well-defined list. Not really much to say. Though I will note that since Symphony was such a late addition, it may be in the wrong place. Honestly, it may deserve to be higher. I REALLY like it. But it could also be recency bias, and my opinion of it may lower. I'm simply unsure.

- Added Symphony
Version 8 (Feb 24, 2023)
Early version of Version 9. Like Version 9, it is taken from the Strive / Xrd list, just obviously with the Xrd songs removed. I would read that list's description for a better explanation of how it came to be. Notably, this is the first list since Version 3 to not have Requiem in the top spot. And I don't really know why. It just... lost something. It doesn't give me the same emotions it used to. Very sad. Other notable changes include The Circle and Alone Infection taking their rightful place at the top, Play the Hero falling to its death, and Trigger not being dead last for the first time ever. Also The Town Inside Me fell, as it had a similar fallout to Requiem.

- Added Extras
- Added The Name of Heaven
- Added Talk About You
Version 7 (Aug 23, 2023)
The first list with the improved label system! And the addition of four new songs. Everything is looking much better now. The only glaring issues to me are Rock Parade, which is too low, and The Disaster of Passion, which is too high.

- Added Crawl
- Added Just Lean
- Added Rock and Roll, Rock Hard Maniac
- Added Smell of the Game
Version 6 (Jul 20, 2023)
Top tier is MUCH better here. Alone Infection and Let Me Carve Your Way both get the recognition they deserve, and Play the Hero goes down. Bottom tier looks a bit better (though I still question The Hourglass's placement). The only problem left is Drift.
Version 5 (Jul 03, 2023)
A very minor revision after I finally understood the musical masterpiece known as The Circle. It still isn't as high as it should be, but better than before!
Version 4 (Jun 18, 2023)
A large improvement! Rock Parade finds its rightful place at the top, Roar of the Spark goes way up. While the top still isn't perfect, The Disaster of Passion is no longer at the top, which is good bacause it is DEFINITELY not the best. Also nice that I finally acknowledge that Trigger isn't really all that bad.
Version 3 (Jun 11, 2023)
Same day revision that shows how... haphazard my rankings were. Love the Subhuman Self is lower, Mirror of the World is MUCH higher, Alone Infection is a bit higher. I also renamed all the tiers, just to emphasize the fact that, overall, none of these songs are bad. Just worse reletive to each other.
Version 2 (Jun 11, 2023)
A tiny bit better. Alone Infection is slightly higher, The Gravity is higher, Drift is higher. I do question the gap for Trigger though. While it isn't my favorite song, it was definitely one that I didn't give a fair chance. It didn't help that I despised Giovanna as a character as the time (both in theming and in gameplay). I don't anymore, but it probably made me rank it even lower.
Version 1 (Jun 10, 2023)
A very, VERY flawed list. For starters, I never fully listened to the bottom 4. I simply heard the beginning and didn't want to hear any more. B Tier is entirely high-tier songs that I just didn't like the intros to at the time. Alone Infection is one of the best songs ever created. But its in B tier. Other odd choices include The Town Inside Me in S+ (its good but not THAT good), Play The Hero in S (way too high), Drift in S- (one of the best songs in the game, should be higher), and Rock Parade and Mirror of the World being in A tier (belong in around S+ or S). And, of course, The Disaster of Passion in S+. It does not belong in S+. It belongs in S. Oh well.