The grand return of VS themes! And with a Ky vs. Sin one?
Before Dizzy's full reveal, one of the things I predicted for season 4 was a new "season theme" like Rock and Roll, Rock Hard Maniac. While I didn't get that, this is infinitely better. Just really good. The only real drawback is the slight lack of emotional parts.
The entire song flows really well and just has a great feeling to it.
Could change a bit more at the end in terms of instruments, but the lyrical changes are good.
Could have a bit more.
Simply excellent.
Unfortunately doesn't carry in the piano from Communication, but fits them really well regardless.
I LOVE these lyrics. A lot. They bring back the same feelings from Big Blast Sonic and HEAVY DAY, which I feel have been missing from Strive. They also just fit Sin and Ky really well.
B.O.F. Bonus