I don't need to say anything her do I? It's Find Your One Way. It is a pretty self explanatory song.
Extremely memorable. I can't count the amount of guilty gear memes that essentially boil down to "Sol fades in along with the opening of Find Your One Way". And it is instantly recognizable.
Doesn't evolve too much but what is there is good. I like the buildup to the chorus.
Mainly the chorus. Honestly the Emotion comes mainly from the sheer "bangerness" of the chorus.
Do I even need to explain it? It's Find Your One Way. It's a Sol Badguy song.
It feels like a Sol song. I don't know the words to describe a Sol song but this song does it.
A bit repetitive but fit Sol very well.
B.O.F. Bonus
I need to give bonus points for two things here. Firstly, just a 1.00 in bangerness isn't enough. It deserves more. Second, this song was instantly iconic in a way few songs in the game have accomplished.